Filipinas contra Mujeres desesperadas

“Bien, antes de continuar, ¿puedo ver esos diplomas? Solo para estar segura de que no son de una universidad de medicina de Filipinas.” Esta es la frase que ha desatado las iras de la comunidad filipina contra Mujeres desesperadas.

Las frase de Susan, el personaje interpretado por Teri Hatcher, fue pronunciada durante la premiere de la cuarta temporada de la serie, emitida el pasado domingo. Según la reacción no se hizo esperar y pronto se organizó una petición online en contra de la cadena ABC que ha sido firmada por más de 90.000 personas.

La ABC se ha apresurado a pedir disculpas e incluso está considerando editar el episodio para quitar esa frase.

Menudo comienzo de temporada que llevamos, primero fue Caso abierto, luego Padre de familia y ahora Mujeres desesperadas.

3 thoughts on “Filipinas contra Mujeres desesperadas”

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  2. the only thing that i want to say that teri hatcher is a great woman have a great job have all great and in dieying just for a hug a message a kiss or she to come to me and insult me do whatever she want with me in this case i will love forever her she is a fabolous actress and u cant talk mad about her no one should do it cause one pèrson more that hate teri hatcher will be die at the 2 seconds tht i hear that dont hate her hate me cause in this world im the only person who take care about her in the stupid filipines society IS NOT HER FAULT im gonna kick the ass of the person that are mad with her. im jealous with Emerson cause i wanna have a mother like that i love my mother too much u have no idea but i wanna share great moments with teri that emerson never do or will do with her. if she were my mom i will appreciate how faboulous she is i will do whatever thing just for take her hand and make her like a mom queen if she read this message……………. impossible that is she will never read it you know ehat i will tell her i love u and no one cant take out my love for u i have 12 and i know how great u r and emerson dont love u like how do i love u im shaking in this moment and is of happimess whatever you will never read this mesage cause is impossible that u read it.

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